Thursday, March 12, 2015

I am (Still) Your Nosy Neighbor

y'all it's getting worse....

I had mentioned in THIS POST that I am incredibly nosy.  I love knowing everyone's business.  Well since we moved it has definitely not gotten any better....if anything it's worse.  Now that we live in such a large complex, I feel like I have the "in's" on so much more the guy who drove the Navigator and used to go down to the garage to hot box his car practically every hour with the trail of weed following him.  Or the weirdo guy who lives on the 4th floor of our building and left his upstairs neighbor a real nasty note asking them if they had "elephant feet" (true story).  Or the douche who ends up at the gym the same time as me and likes to hoard ALL THE MACHINES (dude, seriously we have like 4 machines and 2 benches at the apartment gym - you can't have them all).  Or the couple who lives next door to us and goes from screaming at each other to screaming loudly while they have sex (hint: paper thin walls).  And then there is the story of the used condom found in the lobby by the mailboxes one morning.


What I am trying to say is that I certainly have not changed and now I feel like my vigilante mentality has now morphed.  Take the ongoing battle I have been secretly ensuing with my apartment complex.  LOL yeah secretive....why?  how?  Because I decided to become BFF's with the fire marshal of Arlington County and with his help I have been getting my way but with the county's backing.  It all started when the daycare in our building decided to build this monstrosity of a playground in the back space of our building (where the dogs played).  When the construction crew showed up, they built a temporary fence.....that ended up blocking the exit of our building!  Um hazard.  Through my sleuthing, I found out that the Arlington County Fire Department is quite active on twitter so off to twitter I went.  I was able to get in touch with the FD and they passed along my email to one of their fire marshals and now the rest is history.  Some other issues have since popped up (like our elevators like to keep breaking WTF) such as our garage door broke and was held up by what looked to be dental floss for about 3 weeks.  After a week of praying the door didn't come crashing down on me, I asked my fire marshal friend if his expertise extended to garage doors, security issues, and potential liability risks.  Lucky for me, he responded a resounding YES.  With his gentle nudge (and the threat of some fine$) the garage door was fixed in the guaranteed 2 weeks instead of oh I dunno 2 months.

Here is what the door looked like:

Is that rope or dental floss?

So safe.  

You can barely see the rope/dental floss here.

Basically my car barely fit in and out of the door but now it's neither here nor there.  The shitty thing about it all is that I requested a discount on our rent for the month of March since we pay PER MONTH for our cars to stay in this safe and secure underground garage and yeah we were declined.  BASTARDS.  Oh well - my husband and I are counting down until our lease is up and we can move out.  

To end this vigilante post, I have to show one more picture....of Arlo's little neighbor dog-friend who is also a creeper.  When I see him peering out of the window at us, I imagine this is what I would look like if I had a window where I could sit and get the scoop on the neighborhood.  

Arlo's creeper friend in the window staring at us.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Photo Dump

Hello friends.  Sorry for the delay in posting.  Things (such as snow) got in the way of coming up with compelling things to talk about.  I hope you all had a nice weekend.  We got about 7-8 inches of snow on Thursday but then it slowly warmed up over the weekend, breaking into the 50s on Sunday.  Arlo and I like to go on walks so we took advantage of daylight savings and also the warm weather and decided to take a walk down to Freedom Park and the Netherlands Carillon.  You end up at the edge of Arlington but are sitting up high enough that you have a beautiful view of the monuments and of DC.

With the Netherlands Carillon - we make similar faces

The view from Freedom Park overlooking the monuments

Unfortunately, because of all the snow, melted snow, mud, muck, etc., Arlo's and I's adventure to walk to Freedom Park did not transpire.  Parts of the bike trail from our apartment to the park were still very iced over and made it difficult to walk.  We finally crossed over to the other side of Hwy 50 but as we neared Rosslyn, the sidewalks were still a mess.  Arlo and I decided to turn around and head back home but the first stop once we got in was to put Arlo in the bathtub so we could wash his paws which were now covered in mud and dirt.  

The snow on Thursday was kind of insane.  It snowed from early Thursday morning until pretty late at night.  Once the snow started to slow down, my husband and I took Arlo for a walk around the neighborhood.  My husband would throw snowballs at Arlo and he would try to catch them with his mouth but instead the snow would explode all over his face.  It was hysterical. 

Because of the storm, Barre class was cancelled so I dragged my Ugi ball and my jump rope to the apartment gym and did 2 different HIIT work outs totaling in 34 minutes.  The first HIIT workout was different variations of burpees, 50 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest.  The second HIIT was alternating different total body moves with the Ugi and doing low jacks with the jump rope.  I worked my calves so hard that they were sore until Sunday morning!  I found both workouts HERE.  

I love my jump rope is questionable.

I am going to end this post with one of my recent favorite pictures of Arlo.  It is what I would like to call "the creeper."  When I am watching tv in bed, I will hear the pitter patter of little paws come into the room and he will put his face on the edge of the bed and wait for me to give him the "OK" to come get in and join me.  

My creeper dog. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

When Things Don't Go as Planned

Well we're halfway through the week which is super exciting...I don't know about where you are but it's colder than a witch's titty here.  We're expected to get rain today which will turn into sleet which is supposed to then "snow buckets" from what the meteorologists are saying through Thursday afternoon.  In short - I will more than likely be stuck at home for the next few days.

Speaking of freak snowstorms in March, have you ever had things not go as planned?  I would venture everyone can say 'yes' a million times over.  I think it's a commonality to life - you can plan away to what you would like your life to be and more than likely it doesn't always go that way.....or you eventually get to your finish line but you ended up taking an alternate route.  I feel like our lives have been like this for the last 2 years.  Most of my 'constants' in life have remained the same (my husband, family, friends) but obviously a different path is what my husband and I decided to choose (i.e. moving to a new city).  Overall, I think it's been a good experience and it's helped my husband and I to grow but along the way we have come across new road blocks and detours.

Case in point, after nearly two years of trying to get pregnant (which obviously has been unsuccessful because I am neither pregnant nor have I had a child), we have had to move forward with finding a RE (reproductive endocrinologist aka a fertility specialist) to figure out our next steps.  Based on a number of tests that my OBGYN had done, the RE decided that doing IUI (aka a form of artificial insemination) would be our next best option in trying to have a baby.  I could go into details on what IUI is, but instead I'll link it HERE and you can read all up on it if you desire.  Basically, I'll have blood work, doctor's visits, some ultrasounds, injections, a procedure, and lots of drugs all mixed in.

We started in a couple of weeks and the hard part is that things start off kind of firm but then a lot can change based on how my body reacts to the drugs and when the doctor feels it is best to have the procedure done.  From there, it's 2 weeks of waiting to see what happens.  I am hopeful we will be successful the first time around but I also worry I will be heartbroken if it doesn't.  It's a good feeling to actually feel like things are moving forward but even with increased chances there's no guarantee (don't worry, we had to sign forms where we actually said we understood that this was not a guarantee).  If we have 3 unsuccessful rounds of IUI, then the doctor wants to move forward with IVF.  IVF is similar to IUI but more invasive.  It also allows me the opportunity to design my baby (kidding....well kind of).

So that is where we are with the process.  Who would have thought?  Deciding to have a baby should be an exciting time but ours for the last few years has been a lot of disappointment and fielding questions of "so when are you going to have kids?" (Is it bad for a while I wanted to say, "well probably never since my doctor said our chances are at 1%.") I do plan on updating things on the blog as they develop - apparently I'm going to be a real peach once I start to get going on the fertility drugs (I apologize in advance) but again I am hopeful this will be a short-lived detour in our long-term plan.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My Recent Work Outs and Favorite Songs

Happy Tuesday!  I hope you had a fantastic Monday.  Mine wasn't too shabby - work wasn't too crazy but there was enough to do to make the day go by quickly.  We're coming into our slow quarter and I am anxiously awaiting that time!  I can't wait for evenings where I am not glued to my work phone checking emails like this:

I end up doing a lot of this:

The only time I enjoy emails in the evenings is when one of my coworkers puts on their sassy pants and then forwards me the chain of emails:

That just makes my night.

Now that I have exhausted some of my favorite gifs, I can move on to the topic at recent work outs and some favorite songs I am currently digging when I am getting my sweat on. 

Right now my work out schedule is as such:

Monday: HIIT (high intensity interval training)
Tuesday: Barre class
Wednesday: HIIT
Thursday: Barre class
Friday: whatever I feel like (usually HIIT, sometimes it's running)
Saturday/Sunday: Rest days

I get my HIIT work outs from a variety of places as I like to switch it up regularly.  I sometimes visit Zuzka Light's old Bodyrock workouts which you can find HERE, sometimes I find workouts on Pinterest which I save to my Pinterest Board.  Today I am bringing you a mix of 3 work outs, 2 are pure HIIT where all you need is a set of weights, and a treadmill routine I like to do occasionally to finish off my work outs. 

HIIT #1 (from Emily Schromm's Superhero's Unleashed 21 Day Challenge)

Complete 5 rounds of the following:
  • 10 weighted squats (I used 2 10lb dumbbells)
  • 8 push ups
  • 6 burpees
I completed the work out in 6:10.83.

HIIT #2 (also from Emily Schromm's Superhero's Unleashed 21 Day Challenge)

Set a timer for 12 minutes.  In those 12 minutes complete this pyramid work out starting with 1 rep for each exercise and increasing the reps by 1 every round. (For example, do 1 row each side, 1 lunge each side, 1 v-up, then 2 rows each side, 2 lunges each side, 2 v-ups, etc.)

Plank row (1 each side!)
Step back lunge (1 each side)
V-up crunch

I completed 10 rounds.  

Treadmill Routine - this one is simple because I let the machine do the work for me.  I set it for 10 minutes to the "hills" interval around a level 5-6.  The machine will increase and decrease the incline about every 30 seconds.  I set my pace to 5.5 (which is about 10:30 minute/mile) since the hills add a lot of resistance to the I am pretty tired from the HIIT work outs when I start.  

What definitely helps is the music I listen to.  I love music - I listen to it all the time.  I bop along at my desk like:

Some of the newer songs I am really liking are: 
 - Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony
 - Top Down by Fifth Harmony
 - Reflection by Fifth Harmony
 - Going Nowhere by Fifth Harmony
 - Body Rock by Fifth Harmony (yes sorry I have been on a FH kick lately)
 - anything by Trey Songz (especially Na Na and Bottoms Up)
 - the new Maroon 5 album
 - the new Jessie J album
 - anything Nicki Minaj and/or Lil' Kim (I'm a gangsta at heart)
 - Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson
 - Somebody Loves You by Betty Who
 - anything Katy Perry
 - Lips are Movin by Meghan Trainor (I hate the song about big butts she sings but I love this one, go figure)
 - some of the newer Ariana Grande songs.  

What are your favorite work outs?  What kind of music do you listen to when you work out? 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Why a Low Carb Diet is Working For Me and my Sulfite Sensitivity

Happy Monday! I hope you enjoyed a much warmer weekend than we did here in DC.

This weekend was more low key since we had been traveling overseas the last two weekends before.  It's always nice to have a weekend where there aren't many plans set and we can do what we feel like (or not feel like).

As I had mentioned in my post on Friday, I started a low carb (or as some like to call it, keto) diet last week to try to get my metabolism working and start to get some of this weight moving in the right direction (as in, get out of here!).  Things have actually gone really well so far - the weekends I usually struggle but since I am eating a higher fat diet and limiting the number of carbs/sugar I consume, it doesn't give me the option to have one thing which spirals into two things which spirals into three things....I think you get what I'm saying.

I had my cheat meal Saturday night and in keeping up with the spirit of keeping things higher fat, I did a chocolate avocado mousse with chocolate chips.  It was really great and satisfied my craving for sweets.  I was so full when I was done that I didn't feel the need to continue counter surfing for more goodies.

Chocolate Avocado Mousse (Sulfite-Free)
1/2 Ripe avocado
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (I used the Hershey's brand as it was just cocoa)
3 tablespoons organic coconut milk (I used low fat as I had an open can of this already)
2 tablespoons pure honey
1/4 cup of Enjoy Life mini chocolate chips

Mash avocado until smooth.  Add in unsweetened cocoa powder and mix until all of the cocoa powder is incorporated.  The color of the mousse should be a dark chocolate color.  Add the coconut milk one tablespoon at a time and mix well until incorporated.  Add the honey and continue mixing until smooth.  Feel free to taste and add in 1 additional tablespoon of honey if needed.  Add in chocolate chips.  Place in freezer for 30-60 minutes and enjoy!

Sunday, I was right back into the swing of things again.  I find that going higher fat means I am far less hungry given it's a weird feeling that I have noticed.  I am not hungry but I am also not "stuffed" like I am when I eat a higher carb meal.  I have been eating most of my carbs in the evening with dinner and then doing a 12-13 hour fast through the night into the next morning.

My current macros - the goal is to hit them every day and stay in my caloric range

Doing this sulfite-free has been easy so far - I have been avoiding whole eggs (I seem to be okay with egg whites), broccoli and anything pork.  Instead I have been having spinach/mixed greens, sweet potatoes, avocados, Rao's Homemade sensitive formula tomato sauce (no garlic and onions!), and zucchini.  I have found a smoked salmon that I can tolerate and have been eating 85/15 ground beef, top sirloin steaks, lots of coconut oil, egg whites, baked chicken, and lamb.  I'm interested to see how my body adapts to this through the month and what the final result would be.  Usually by day 3 or 4, I get tired of the restriction and binge but so far I haven't had any desires to eat carbs.  I have also been pinning recipes for things I would like to try - low carb pizza crusts, almond flour pancakes, truffles, etc.

Have you tried low carb and/or keto before?  Were you successful?