Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My Recent Work Outs and Favorite Songs

Happy Tuesday!  I hope you had a fantastic Monday.  Mine wasn't too shabby - work wasn't too crazy but there was enough to do to make the day go by quickly.  We're coming into our slow quarter and I am anxiously awaiting that time!  I can't wait for evenings where I am not glued to my work phone checking emails like this:

I end up doing a lot of this:

The only time I enjoy emails in the evenings is when one of my coworkers puts on their sassy pants and then forwards me the chain of emails:

That just makes my night.

Now that I have exhausted some of my favorite gifs, I can move on to the topic at hand....my recent work outs and some favorite songs I am currently digging when I am getting my sweat on. 

Right now my work out schedule is as such:

Monday: HIIT (high intensity interval training)
Tuesday: Barre class
Wednesday: HIIT
Thursday: Barre class
Friday: whatever I feel like (usually HIIT, sometimes it's running)
Saturday/Sunday: Rest days

I get my HIIT work outs from a variety of places as I like to switch it up regularly.  I sometimes visit Zuzka Light's old Bodyrock workouts which you can find HERE, sometimes I find workouts on Pinterest which I save to my Pinterest Board.  Today I am bringing you a mix of 3 work outs, 2 are pure HIIT where all you need is a set of weights, and a treadmill routine I like to do occasionally to finish off my work outs. 

HIIT #1 (from Emily Schromm's Superhero's Unleashed 21 Day Challenge)

Complete 5 rounds of the following:
  • 10 weighted squats (I used 2 10lb dumbbells)
  • 8 push ups
  • 6 burpees
I completed the work out in 6:10.83.

HIIT #2 (also from Emily Schromm's Superhero's Unleashed 21 Day Challenge)

Set a timer for 12 minutes.  In those 12 minutes complete this pyramid work out starting with 1 rep for each exercise and increasing the reps by 1 every round. (For example, do 1 row each side, 1 lunge each side, 1 v-up, then 2 rows each side, 2 lunges each side, 2 v-ups, etc.)

Plank row (1 each side!)
Step back lunge (1 each side)
V-up crunch

I completed 10 rounds.  

Treadmill Routine - this one is simple because I let the machine do the work for me.  I set it for 10 minutes to the "hills" interval around a level 5-6.  The machine will increase and decrease the incline about every 30 seconds.  I set my pace to 5.5 (which is about 10:30 minute/mile) since the hills add a lot of resistance to the run....plus I am pretty tired from the HIIT work outs when I start.  

What definitely helps is the music I listen to.  I love music - I listen to it all the time.  I bop along at my desk like:

Some of the newer songs I am really liking are: 
 - Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony
 - Top Down by Fifth Harmony
 - Reflection by Fifth Harmony
 - Going Nowhere by Fifth Harmony
 - Body Rock by Fifth Harmony (yes sorry I have been on a FH kick lately)
 - anything by Trey Songz (especially Na Na and Bottoms Up)
 - the new Maroon 5 album
 - the new Jessie J album
 - anything Nicki Minaj and/or Lil' Kim (I'm a gangsta at heart)
 - Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson
 - Somebody Loves You by Betty Who
 - anything Katy Perry
 - Lips are Movin by Meghan Trainor (I hate the song about big butts she sings but I love this one, go figure)
 - some of the newer Ariana Grande songs.  

What are your favorite work outs?  What kind of music do you listen to when you work out? 

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